Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the main issue to guarantee the survival of organisations and states. The main threat comes from counterfeiting, cyber attacks and the oscitancy from persons within the organisations. To create a high standard of security, we can provide software, hardware as well as training capacity.


The market for counterfeit products has been growing rapidly in the past years. Luxury brands from the fashion industry are particularly affected by this threat. But also other markets like the pharmaceutical, industrial, automotive and food & beverage industries are threatened by counterfeiters.
Besides enormous costs and a loss of reputation because of counterfeit products with a minor quality, these products are often a threat to the health of the user. The reasons are that these products have a shorter life span, some ingredients can be poisonous or the low quality of a product can cause even deadly accidents.
To solve this problem, we offer individual blockchain solutions, also combined with our security papers. Our solutions, provide an overview on the provenance and the originality of a product. When needed the overview we provide can be extended to the entire supply chain. Moreover, we can guarantee that the information that should be communicated through each supply stage, from producer to customer, reach the recipient unaltered.

Data Security

Intellectual propriety gives governments, the military and corporations a strategic advantage towards others, hence the need of protecting it. Either by unauthorised traffic, disclosure by employees or malfunctioning servers, the competitive advantage of a company or entity is at risk and can be leaked by introducing mistakes into the database of an organisation.

Artificial Intelligence enhances the role Blockchain and Robotic Automation will play in data protection and the data screening processes; scanning particular data sets, online content feeds, unstructured data like messages, has go lot simpler without the need of downloads. The result is both outgoing and incoming communications can be analysed before leaving home, preventing undesired disclosures.